Sunday, 2 March 2008

Get with the guys - DS Vs. PSP

At some point between the release of the DS and PSP respectively and now, there seems to have been a noticeable shift in the perceived demographic of the two major hand-helds. I have several theories as to why this occurred,which I'll go into momentarily. As far as my observations go, it seems that for the most part, Nintendo DSes are for girls, and PSPs are for boys.

You need only look at the two consoles to see why this may be the case. Just have a look at their designs. The PSP is a wedge, a black-and-chrome machine with no external bells and whistles. Just use the buttons and take the pain as it were. By comparison the DS is practically dainty. Go try out a DS Lite at your local games store; it's about the size of a large playing card, made for the hands of a child. It also comes in pink, the uniform colour of all things girly. Granted the PSP supposedly comes in pink. I've heard rumours, but I've yet to see any evidence. Until that time PSPs are black and cold, DSes are pink and fluffy.

Then there's the range of games on each. The PSP is all about violence and action. There's some of the stalwarts of the PS2 such as Grand Theft Auto and Tekken, along with distinctly blokey series such as FIFA. The DS has things like Animal Crossing and Nintendogs. You just try and get blood, guts and explosions on the DS - you'll most likely fall flat.

If you want to check my theory, the next time you're in a room of known game players, if they're mainly guys ask if they have a DS, and if they're gals (less likely I know) ask if they have a PSP. In either case the parties will most likely sneer at you and probably spit in your general direction. Even in gaming there's a sex divide. O well, at least I have both, but I've always been a bit fruity.

1 comment:

BenBeckford said...

DSs are awesome, PSPs just lack the variety of games ;)
DSs are still predominantly owned by boys, and look at which makes the most money!

Nintendo are trying to appeal to the word and its Nan, it can only mean good things for the industry surely?